This excerpt is taken from John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book III, I have edited this in modern English, and though it may not be the best rendition, I pray that the essence of its content (since it pertains to practical Christianity) will go forth to the heart of the reader. Enjoy. Be blessed. Be edified…
“The better to arouse us, the Scripture reveals God the Father, who, as He has reconciled us to Himself in His Anointed, has impressed Christ’s image upon us, to which He would have us to be conformed (Romans 5:4). Come, then, and let them show me a more excellent system among philosophers, who think that they are the only ones with a just and orderly arranged morality. When they would give excellent exhortations to virtue, they can only tell us to live agreeably to nature.
“Scripture gets its exhortations from the true source: God;[i] and the Scriptures alone is our authority to govern our lives with a view to God, its Author, to whom it belongs. Yet, after showing us that we have degenerated from our true origin, namely, the law of our Creator, He adds that Christ, through whom we have been restored to favor with God, is set before us as an example, the image of which our lives should express. What could be a more effectual requirement than this?
“If the Lord adopts us a His sons on the condition that our life is a representation of Christ, the bond of our adoption-- then, unless we dedicate and devote ourselves to righteousness, we not only revolt against our Creator with the highest treason, but we also reject the Savior Himself. Scripture accompanies its exhortations with the countless blessings of God, as well as each part of our salvation. Ever since God revealed Himself to us as a Father, we must be convicted of extreme ingratitude if we do not in turn show ourselves to be His sons.
“Ever since Christ purified us by the baptism in His blood, it would it would be inappropriate for us to be defiled with new pollution. Ever since He engrafted us into His body, we, who are His members, should very carefully beware of contracting any stain or taint. Ever since Christ, our Head, ascended to heaven, it is good for us to remove our affections from the earth, and with our whole soul seek and desire heaven.
“Ever since the Holy Spirit dedicated us as temples to the Lord, we should make every effort to show forth the glory of God, and guard against being profaned by the defilement of sin. Ever since our soul and body were destined to heavenly incorruptibility and an unfading crown, we should earnestly strive to keep them pure and uncorrupted against the day of the Lord.
“I tell you that these are the surest foundations of a well-regulated life, and you will search in vain for anything resembling them among philosophers, who, in their commendation of virtue, never rise higher than the natural dignity of man.”
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[i] Mal. 1:6; Eph. 5:1; 1 John 3:1, 3; Eph. 5:26; Rom. 6:1-4; 1 Cor. 6:11; 1 Pet. 1:15, 19; 1 Cor. 6:15; John 15:3; Eph. 5:2, 3; Col. 3:1, 2; 1Cor. 3:16, 5:17; 2 Cor. 6:16; 1 Thess. 5:23 [original footnote]
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