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This excerpt is taken from John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book III, ch.vii. I have edited this in modern English, and though it may not be the best rendition, I pray that the essence of its content (since it pertains to practical Christianity) will go forth to the heart of the reader. Enjoy. Be blessed. Be edified…
This excerpt is taken from John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book III, ch.vii. I have edited this in modern English, and though it may not be the best rendition, I pray that the essence of its content (since it pertains to practical Christianity) will go forth to the heart of the reader. Enjoy. Be blessed. Be edified…
This excerpt is taken from John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book III, I have edited this in modern English, and though it may not be the best rendition, I pray that the essence of its content (since it pertains to practical Christianity) will go forth to the heart of the reader. Enjoy. Be blessed. Be edified…
“This is where we address those who would still consider themselves Christians but have nothing of Christ except His name and church membership. How dare they boast of this sacred name? The only ones who truly have communion with Christ are those who have acquired the true knowledge of Him from the Gospel.This excerpt is taken from John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book III, I have edited this in modern English, and though it may not be the best rendition, I pray that the essence of its content (since it pertains to practical Christianity) will go forth to the heart of the reader. Enjoy. Be blessed. Be edified…
This excerpt is taken from John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book III, I have edited this in modern English, and though it may not be the best rendition, I pray that the essence of its content (since it pertains to practical Christianity) will go forth to the heart of the reader. Enjoy. Be blessed. Be edified…
This excerpt is taken from John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book III, I have edited this in modern English, and though it may not be the best rendition, I pray that the essence of its content (since it pertains to practical Christianity) will go forth to the heart of the reader. Enjoy. Be blessed. Be edified…